Professional Weather Station
Weather Pro Center: Wind • Rain • Weather • PC Software Advanced Features, Sensors & Software
Completely wireless professional display
Time and date
Relative air pressure
12 / 24 h pressure history graph
Rain amount for last hour, 24h and total Wind speed, wind direction, wind gust, and wind chill
Indoor temperature and humidity
Outdoor temperature and humidity
Dew point
MIN / MAX and HI / LO alarm for all values
Display can store 1797 sets of data
(recording interval 1 minute to 30 minutes)
Swiss sensor
2 x "C" batteries, battery life: 3 years
Completely wireless solar wind sensor
Transmits every 30 seconds Solar powered
Completely wireless rain sensor
2 x "AA" batteries, battery life: 2 years
Completely wireless thermo-hygro sensor
2 x "C" batteries, battery life: 2 years
Wireless USB Transceiver and PC software
USB Transceiver transfers wireless weather measurements to PC
PC Compatible: Windows Vista, XP only Powered by PC connection
Wireless display stores weather history
Display can store 1797 sets of data (recording interval 1 minute to 30 minutes)
Wireless USB transceiver and PC software
USB transceiver transfers wireless weather measurements to PC Software: PC compatible with windows vista, XP only Powered by PC connection Weather history software: graphs and units
Units of time: minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and year