20M QRP-Cub CW Transceiver Kit
Whether you're taking a 10-minute DX break from your computer at work or home or back-packing in the mountains, MFJ's new QRP-Cub is a great way to put the magic back into your ham radio. You'll enjoy countless hours operating this tiny high performance QRP Transceiver.
MFJ QRP-Cub Transceivers use Surface mount Technology to achieve big performance in a pocket-sized package.
The kit version has all SMT parts mounted and soldered. You just insert and solder the through-hole parts such as the connectors, inductors and trimmer caps/pots. In just a few hours, you'll be working the world with QRP fun!
The MFJ QRP-Cub was designed by QRP-ARCI hall-of-famer K1BQT for real world low power operating conditions.
Here are a few of the Cub's features that you'll appreciate.
- Hot receiver: 0.2 uV sensitivity pulls in weak signals.
- Low noise: Virtually no noise contribution from receiver electronics.
- Sharp passband: Crystal filter and shaped audio reject QRM and QRN.
- Differential-Mode AGC: Audio output holds rock-steady over 80 dB signal range.
- Robust AF Output: Drives stereo phones or external speaker.
- Adjustable Transmitter: RF output is variable to zero. 2 Watts out
- Full QSK: Seamless electronic switching for smooth break-in.
- Natural Sidetone: Pure sine-wave receiver monitors signal.
- Shaped Keying: Controlled envelope for click-free keying.
- Custom TX offset/Receiver passband center: User-adjustable.
- Low Power Drain: Use any regulated 12 to 15 VDC source. 36 mA receive, 380 mA transmit.
- Truly Portable: Set up anywhere, tuck out of way when not in use.