MFJ-998 Legal Limit IntelliTuner™ Automatic Antenna Tuner

SKU: ZMF-998


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Customer Reviews

You get what you pay for.
Review by Jimmy
The tuner worked pretty much flawless for a year. But then there was a problem where nothing would tune and when I attempted to tune on 40 meters it would try for maybe 15 seconds then quit. I smelled burning wires in the tuner and where my dipole connected to the coax the connector was burnt and shorted. I can't say for sure that it was the tuner. For all I know maybe I was hit by lighting but then again nothing else was damaged. Fortunatly for me when I called it was the very last day of the warranty. So I sent it in and 5 weeks later I got it back. The tuner tunes at low power as it should but sometimes after tuning when I go to talk nothing happens so I have to turn it off then on and it works. Maybe I just got a bad one. When it works its great and for the most part it works but like I said somethimes I have to turn it off then on. you get what you pay for. I wouldn't recommend this product because of the problems I'm having. I will probably spend a little more money and get a better tuner.

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