Learn how to:
- Program robots that make smart decisions with flow control
- Reuse code so that your robots can farm any crop you want, including wheat, sugar cane, and even cacti!
- Program a factory that generates infinite building supplies
- Design an algorithm for creating walls and buildings of any size
- Code yourself a pickaxe-swinging robotic lumberjack!
- Create a robot that digs mine shafts with stairs so you can explore safely
Table of contents:
Chapter 1: Getting Started with Minecraft and Computercraft
Chapter 2: Basic Lua Programming for Turtles
Chapter 3: Talking to Your Turtle
Chapter 4: Programming Turtles to Dance
Chapter 5: Making a Better Dancer
Chapter 6: Programming a Robo Lumberjack
Chapter 7: Creating Modules to Reuse Your Code
Chapter 8: Running an Automated Tree Farm
Chapter 9: Building a Cobblestone Generator
Chapter 10: Making a Stone Brick Factory
Chapter 11: Constructing Walls
Chapter 12: Constructing Rooms
Chapter 13: Constructing Floors
Chapter 14: Programming a Robotic Farm
Chapter 15: Programming a Staircase Miner
Appendix A: Function Reference
Appendix B: Name ID Reference
Check out the book's dedicated website for more downloadable files for the book!
***Requires: Minecraft Java Edition; Windows 7 or later; macOS 10.10 or later.***