6 Meter Double Bazooka 9.5ft.
The DOUBLE BAZOOKA antenna will handle full legal limit power with no effect to performance.
The DOUBLE BAZOOKA can be mounted in an inverted "V" configuration for optimum results, "Center elevated, with 90 - 120 degrees between the legs". Then it will have vertical polarization and will usually out perform a dipole type antenna at distances of over 500 miles due to its lower angle of radiation. However the DOUBLE BAZOOKA can be configured horizontally with equally good results. If erected as a Dipole this antenna has horizontal polarization.
This is a single band antenna that does not radiate harmonics, has very little feed line radiation. The antenna consists of a half - wavelength of coaxial line with the outer conductor opened at the center and the feed line connected to the open ends. The inside sections, do not radiate, but act as quarter-wave shorted stubs which presents high resistive impedance to the feed point at resonance and tends to cancel reactance as frequency off resonant frequencies, thus increasing band width. Recently we tried a G5RV and a 20 meter DOUBLE BAZOOKA. WOW !!! What a difference!! On the G5RV all we could hear was noise. Switched over to the DOUBLE BAZOOKA and started listening to a QSO in progress. Just wanting to make sure we were not just picking up a fluke. We switched back over the G5 and heard nothing but static!! We when up and down the band with similar results.
The Radiowavz DOUBLE BAZOOKA is made to handle even the toughest environments. The Coax center conductor is copper coated steel. The shield is 100% so you don't have to worry about the elements. It is made to be easy to deploy, easy to use, strong and durable.
This is the perfect antenna for that favorite band!!!!.
This antenna is great for stealth work. As it is flat black, insulated it can be placed in trees, under eaves or next to house trim even in attics. Its ends can be bent to accommodate unusual spaces.
Radiowavz offers the Double Bazooka antennas for ALL HAM bands CAP, MARS, Government and public service frequencies. If you do not see it listed, drop us a line or e-mail and arrange for that custom frequency.