The SATURN Series Fan Dipole
SATURN 4-80 multiband fan dipole.
Includes Individual Elements for 80, 40, 20, & 10 meters
The SATURN Series antennas are designed as lightweight multi-element inverted V or flat top dipole antenna that can be transported easily in the trunk of a small car. The elements are full dipoles with an optional 1:1 BALUN. This antenna can be erected by one person and ready to operate in 15 minutes.
This antenna can handle full legal power*. The antenna performs so well that you can use it for special occasions such as demonstrating amateur radio to schools and scout meetings. A park on a Sunday afternoon is a pleasant place to set up and talk to the world. Depending on where you are, spectators will be attracted and it is a good way to promote our hobby. An antenna tuner is not necessary, but using one will give you a perfect match.
The 80-40-20-10 meter SATURN antenna and associated hardware will fit neatly into a 1 cu. ft. cardboard box and keep it stored in the corner of your garage. It will be ready to go on a moment's notice.
This antenna has been used for emergency communications SATERN and Civil Air Patrol. We used this antenna extensively during 9-11 with SATERN (Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network). SATURN series antenna are a must if you are part of any emergency services organization.
*Rated for Full Legal-Limit power SSB/PEP, 200W AM/CW/RTTY