GS-232A Interface Cable for the SDX Series Rotators
Compatible rotators include: G-1000DXA, G-2800DXA, G-450A, G-550, G-5500, G-800, G-800DXA, G-800SA
Compatible radios include: FT-DX9000 series, FT-DX5000 series, FT-2000 series, and FT-950
Length: 24 inches
When connected to the optional DMU-2000 and a compatible radio, the Rotator Control Function includes the Great Circle Map that allows you to aim your directional antenna accurately (e.g. Tokyo seems to be located West from San Francisco though it is more actually located to the NNW direction) and the imbedded database of worldwide cities may be used to determine a specific bearing to a DX location, if you like. The Rotator Control function further lets you control the left(C-C-W)/right(C-W) rotation of your Yaesu G-800/1000/2800DXA series rotator, in addition to permitting speed control and setup of preset beam headings. And, if you use your after-market keyboard for input of your latitude and longitude, the DMU-2000 will lie out compute and display a Great Circle Map centered on your location! You may also connect a GPS Unit (one capable of output of NMEA0183 position data) to your DMU-2000 to download precise position data.