Shark 2M/6M/70CM Magmount 48" Whip Antenna



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Customer Reviews

Reach 30 Miles on VHF
Review by Tory
Got this antenna about 5 months ago and have been able to hit 2 meter repeater 30 miles away on my Yaesu 2980-r. Reception has also been clear.
Magnet has never moved; even at 75 mph.
Couldn’t be happier!
Excellent on 2m, not sure about 70cm
Review by Dave
I was hoping that this antenna would perform on both 2m and 70cm but reports on my signal seem to suggest it doesn't do well on the later.

There weren't any specific instructions on making the antenna work on 70cm. It only says, " may require minimal cutting of whip for optimal performance"

The antenna does tune narrowly in the 444-448 range with an SWR of about 1.5:1. However, real world performance is lacking.

If anyone can provide insight, it would be appreciated.

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