2 Meter Double Bazooka 3.5ft High power 5KW (300W FT8)
*** 5 KILOWATT PRO version ***
This DOUBLE BAZOOKA PRO antenna will handle up to 5KW of power with no effect to performance.
The DOUBLE BAZOOKA can be mounted in an inverted "V" configuration for optimum results, "Center elevated, with 90 - 120 degrees between the legs". Then it will have vertical polarization and will usually out perform a dipole type antenna at distances of over 500 miles due to its lower angle of radiation. However the DOUBLE BAZOOKA can be configured horizontally with equally good results. If erected as a Dipole this antenna has horizontal polarization.
This is a single band antenna that does not radiate harmonics, has very little feed line radiation. The antenna consists of a half - wavelength of coaxial line with the outer conductor opened at the center and the feed line connected to the open ends. The inside sections, do not radiate, but act as quarter-wave shorted stubs which presents high resistive impedance to the feed point at resonance and tends to cancel reactance as frequency off resonant frequencies, thus increasing band width. Recently we tried a G5RV and a 20 meter DOUBLE BAZOOKA. WOW !!! What a difference!! On the G5RV all we could hear was noise. Switched over to the DOUBLE BAZOOKA and started listening to a QSO in progress. Just wanting to make sure we were not just picking up a fluke. We switched back over the G5 and heard nothing but static!! We when up and down the band with similar results.
The Radiowavz DOUBLE BAZOOKA is made to handle even the toughest environments. The Coax center conductor is copper coated steel. The shield is 100% so you don't have to worry about the elements. It is made to be easy to deploy, easy to use, strong and durable.
This is the perfect antenna for that favorite band!!!!.
This antenna is great for stealth work. As it is flat black, insulated it can be placed in trees, under eaves or next to house trim even in attics. Its ends can be bent to accommodate unusual spaces.
Radiowavz offers the Double Bazooka antennas for ALL HAM bands CAP, MARS, Government and public service frequencies. If you do not see it listed, drop us a line or e-mail and arrange for that custom frequency.
Operational Band: 2Meters
Antenna Width: 3.5ft.
Power : 1500w SSB/PEP 200W CW
What is FT8?
FT8 or Franke & Taylor 8 is a frequency shift keying digital mode released on June 29, 2017, by the creators Joe Taylor, K1JT and Steve Franke, K9AN along with the software package WSJT. FT8 is a popular form of digital weak signal communication used primarily by amateur radio operators to communicate on amateur radio bands with majority of traffic occurring on the HF amateur bands. It is currently the most popular digital mode on spotting networks such as PSK Reporter. The mode offers operators the ability to communicate in unfavorable environments such as during low sun spot numbers, high RF noise, or during low power operations.[4] With advances in signal processing technology FT8 is able to decode signals with a signal to noise ratio as low as −20 dB, which is significantly lower than CW or SSB transmissions.[5] The mode works by sending signals in 15-second-blocks with 12.64 seconds of transmission time and 2.36 seconds of decode time, this gives the mode five words per minutes effective transmission. The mode requires each computer to be time synchronized with each other with most users making use of either NTP or GPS to ensure transmissions fall in the proper window. This allows FT8 transmission to support up to 13 characters, the mode uses forward error correction to ensure proper transmission and decoding. As the mode is quite limited in the number of words that it can send, it only sends enough information to ensure a contact with each station. There are multiple uses for FT8 including contesting, testing antennas, and for scientific research. ~slightly edited for clarity and conciseness from Wikipedia-FT8
Recommend: RigExpert TI-5000
WSJT Overview
WSJT software
Weak signal ham radio communication
The WSJT project implements software for amateur radio communication using state-of-the-art digital techniques. Typical applications involve "DXing" at LF, MF, HF, and VHF+ frequencies, including meteor scatter and EME ("moonbounce"). Major emphasis is placed on weak-signal techniques.
Summary Program Descriptions:
WSJT-X supports the communication protocols FST4, FT4, FT8, JT4, JT9, JT65, Q65, MSK144, WSPR, FST4W, and Echo, each optimized for different sorts of radio-wave propagation.
MAP65 is designed for EME an VHF and higher frequencies. It provides a panoramic, polarization-matching receiver for the Q65 and JT65. modes.