Icom IC-7100 100W HF/VHF/UHF All-Mode Transceiver

SKU: ZIC-7100


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Customer Reviews

Virtually no power
Review by Eric
I have no idea if I got a lemon or what. This was supposed to be a 100W radio. It barely hits 20W ( if I am lucky) on a Daiwa SWR/Power meter. I see a lot of references to people getting low power from their IC-7100 online. I guess I need to send it in to be checked. Just my luck. This is my first radio and I am a new Ham. I seriously regret buying this radio. BTW - the meters on the radio are useless. It is nearly impossible to figure out which bar goes with which measurement.
Great prize at the end..
Review by Kurt
I bought this to push myself to take the General exam. Being a Tech is cool but you don't get all the use this radio has to offer. This rig is very nice and will replace my original ICOM 706. I live in a gated HOA just off South Padre Island. Still working on the antenna issue. YouTube has many videos on how to set this rig up. Glad I have it!
Fun radio
Review by K4BTR
I've had this radio for a couple of months so far. I've made several hf contacts. I get great signal and audio reports. I would recommend this radio for anyone looking for a great mobile radio that can also be used as a base radio also.
Absolutely the best all mode mobile transceiver
Review by Steve ASA7275
The IC-7100 is the best radio in it's class, bar none. The separable control head and main unit make this a literally fit anywhere solution.

Another thing I like is the fact it is an all mode rig, from 2 meters to 160 meters, with the right antenna this is a real workhorse but it is a joy to operate no matter what mode you are in. It is one of the few that can operate 2 meter SSB - in fact you can run SSB on all bands as well as digital modes with a computer and the right software.

There are few limits on what you can do with it and operating at 100 watts in most HF modes it is very powerful for such a small package. If you are building a compact shack or a monster of a go kit, or installing it in a vehicle, this should be the main ingredient. There are so many things you can do with this transceiver that few rigs out there can match it capability for capability.

The only thing it really lacks is a color waterfall display, but you really don't miss having that once you become familiar with the touch screen it has.

Try the IC-7100 and you will see what I mean.
Great Upgrade for Mobile Use
Review by Dale (KF8DLD)
I've been a Tech for about a year now; and I'm still working toward my General license. But, I'm already thinking ahead to what I can do with more frequencies at my fingertips than I have available right now.
While I have no doubt the IC-7100 would make a fine base unit, I needed something to replace my Yaesu FT-8900 in my truck.
The FT-8900 was (is) advertised as supporting 2m/70cm as well as 6m and 10m. The problem is, the FT-8900 supports all four frequency ranges in FM mode. And, from what I've deduced, no one is talking to anyone on 10m FM; we're all using 10m USB. Additionally, when I get licensed for additional frequencies, I will have immediately moved past the abilities of the FT-8900.
Enter the IC-7100.
Installation was little more than an R&R procedure. I unplugged everything from the FT-8900 and moved it over to the IC-7100.
The control head is a little more difficult to mount. Not because of the unit itself, but because of the rounded shape of every plastic in the cab of the truck. I really don't want to cook the head during Oklahoma summers by putting it on top of the dashboard (besides, it would then be too far away to comfortably use the touch screen). So, for now, it sits comfortably on the lid of my center console.
With only a single antenna, I needed a splitter and a couple of jumper coax cables to go to the two antenna inputs. I already purchased a new HF mobile antenna; I'm simply waiting for the second mount to arrive so I can eliminate the A/B switch.
I already had an external speaker in my truck, so again, it was a simple matter to unplug the speaker from the FT-8900 and plug it into the control head of the IC-7100. Et voila, instant sound.
After that, it's simply a matter of learning the intricacies of the IC-7100, and the Icom menu structure. But I'm already talking on 2m through our local repeater (15 miles away). I've done a radio check on simplex and made contact 12 miles away across the rolling hills of rural and suburban landscape.
During this just past Field Day I was able to bring in a contact on 10m USB from Arizona to central Oklahoma (all from the comfort of my truck cab).
The touch screen is so very easy to use. It hasn't taken much to gain even a rudimentary grasp of how to navigate around the control settings.
I already realize that this radio will do so much more than I'm even interested in, but to know that the features are available is a comfort.
There's nothing really wrong with the supplied microphone, but I wanted more capability in my mic and so I substituted the shipped mic with an HM-151. This is a great addition to my setup.
I can only think of one thing missing from what is shipped with the IC-7100. Icom does not provide a clip on which I can hang my microphone. Both the standard mic and the HM-151 have a slot on the back of the mic to recieve the hook, but Icom doesn't provide anything. Hey, I know, that's a pretty petty complaint. But, when you're spending $800 for the radio, surely they could have included the $5 hanging clip for the mic.
Great D-Star Radio
Review by Anthony
I have a 5100 and love using it. There is only one D-star repeater in Auburn and it remains locked on Reflector 58, which is fine. I tend to use the 5100 as my base rig (my wife objects to me having a mobile rig in the car because of some curb-jumping** while trying to change to Reflector 30C). I'm using a mag mount antenna inside on a metal filing cabinet and have no problems hitting any local repeater with this radio.
** for what it's worth, I missed the old guy in the walker, so everything's good.
Great Radio
Review by Ricky
I have had two of these radios and beside my forgetfulness, It done great, used one for mobile and the other as my back in the house, I use the MFJ 939 tuner. I put the head on a post in front of my truck with the base unit under the back seat.
mobile was easy for HF and vhf. enjoyed it
Great value
Review by Mel
HF + D-star for not too much more than the price of a D-Star radio. It's obviously not as good as my IC7700, but it's a very decent radio for the price. I used it remote when I was working away from home for a couple of years. I kept my 75M skeds plus worked my usual repeaters with the one radio and Icom software. Very nice!
Everything in 1 package.
Review by Terry
I bought this to get back into ham after 10 yrs without. I put the main part of the radio in kitchen pantry closet and ran the remote head out to the kitchen table. Now I can set up - operate - and put it away in a minute. My wife doesn't accuse me of hiding out in the shack, and I operate from the most used place in the house, the kitchen. I use the mfj-939 tuner which auto tunes with this radio, and a 44 foot sloper. Digital modes are excellent with the dsp filtering with my laptop. Able to squeeze out dx in all modes. Check my log on QRZ. All the contacts are with this radio system. Terry - KB0VFT.

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